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Onboarding training

Training target: new employees

Training content: Company culture, values, organization, products, system


Skills training

Training target: front-line operators

Training content: A variety of professional skills and techniques related to the occupation


Management training

Training target: Managers at all levels

Training content: Provide management ideas and methods for employees who have potential or have already taken management positions


Other training

Training objectives: The target is not limited, according to the needs of the company or staff interests held

Training content: Some knowledge and content based on comprehensive development


Training objective

Identify the fundamental needs of the company's development, develop the potential of employees by providing diversified learning opportunities, pay attention to the overall development of employees, so as to improve the organizational ability of employees. Through the integration of professional and technical talents, through the excellent intellectual resources of vocational training, applied research and development institutions, through the training team of the personnel administration center, we can share successful knowledge, methods, skills and experience with employees at all levels, so that the company's education platform can become a "vocational university" to improve the comprehensive quality of employees, and become a booster for the implementation of the company's development strategy and the dissemination of corporate culture. To provide customers with excellent products and services a solid foundation.